MFR workshop | Sala Studio, Auckland, NZ

Feb 17, 2024

11.30- 3.30pm

This 4 hour workshop begins with an introduction to fascial anatomy and the structure and function of fascia.




11.30-3.30pm $65

FASCIA, A beautiful fluid webbing of connectivity, that wraps up and encapsulates the entire inner landscape of our bodies. Sometimes referred to as our sixth sense, the fascia is the body’s subconscious mind, storing our past, memories and previously undigested emotional experiences.

This 4 hour workshop begins with an introduction to fascial anatomy and the structure and function of fascia, before exploring

  • How this webbing of connectivity, when in dysfunction, may cause pain, reduces movement and fluidity, causes the body to contract and reduces inner spaciousness.

  • How and why fascial dysfunction may reduce blood flow, lymphatic drainage, reduced nerve innervation and importantly reduces our energetic stores and vitality.

  • How our incomplete emotional experiences are stored in the body affecting our movement patterns, physiology, posture, pain and emotional states.

Kirsty will then guide participants into the practices of releasing stored tension in the fascial webbing using various methods: ball rolling, movements, fascial bouncing, skin rolling, breath and self inquiry.Participants will leave the workshop with a full body practice to support themselves through, sports recovery, injury, tension and physical /emotional stress. 

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Please note due to extremely limited availability all workshop sales are final. Although we do not offer refunds on workshops you are welcome to sell you ticket on. If there is a waitlist for an event we are happy to resell you ticket for you for a $5 admin fee. Thank you :)

MFR workshop | Sala Studio, Auckland, NZ
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