Meet Kristine Crabb | Sala Studio, Auckland, NZ
You may see them so often in class you feel as though you already know them, but we want to know the person behind the pose. Today we meet Kristine Crabb.
Nov 15, 2021
You may see them so often in class you feel as though you already know them, but we want to know the person behind the pose. Welcome to meet our community, students edition. Today we meet Kristine Crabb.

Hey, who are you? What do you do and where do you live?
Hello! My name is Kristine Crabb and I live in Ponsonby with my three kids. I am an artist, clothes designer and maker.
How did you hear about SALA? How long have you been coming, and what’s your favourite thing about the SALA community?
SALA seemed like this full-sun energy that I had seen through dear Jane Davis’ amazing Sala vids. Then I met Sarah at a party was completely struck by her emanating beauty! I thought I HAVE to start going here too. That was a couple of years ago, I just love everything about Sala, the classes are all different, like something to suit everyone and there’s always something cool to discover, movement-wise. The teachers really know what they are doing and in every class I’ve been to I’ve been so inspired by the teacher. I love their 6am classes the most as I can do a class and then come home and start the day with the kids.
What is special about group fitness? Do you come with friends?
I quite love people watching and there are intriguing people that go to Sala. I also get quite inspired by other people's amazing poses and fitness levels... I wanna be like that! And I often see dear friends when I go there, which feels so nice and supportive. Sometimes solo parenting can be isolating and a lot of work, so having a practice is a good relief.

Why and how did movement become such a big part of your life?
I’ve always been pretty active and fit, but more like yang energies; running and swimming type of stuff. I've only discovered Yoga in the last 5 or 6 years; It has been life changing!
What’s your favourite SALA class?
Eridani’s classes are my favourite ... She’s SO gorgeous, wise and knowledgeable about Yoga, Sanskrit and ancient wisdom traditions. Her kōrero at the start of class is insightful, strengthening and always lol. Her glorious closing words ’Tell your friends that you love them and drink enough water” is the coolest.
What’s your go to movement to elevate your mood?
Dancing and also loling with the kids
What are your pre class rituals?
Arrive a few minutes before class to have a lil meditation
What is movement a conduit for?
I find it gives me more mind and body awareness. Movement gives me gratitude for my body and just life in general. I also love the life metaphor for sitting with discomfort until it passes and you have triumphed above, and simply practising to get better at something. Also once you get to 40 it becomes really important to maintain the system lolol
What other practices do you live by that support your mindset and mood?
Daily mediation is pretty powerful. Also, not drinking and smoking? Haha also giving the coffee a miss helps my anxiety. But like, that’s a practice too. Sometimes I like that stuff. I have found that the more yoga and meditation I add to my life the less nihilistic I feel! As a creative person, I know I need to nurture my creative life as it feeds me, especially during times like this.
Why is rest important? Describe your dream rest day...
I only recently discovered the restorative power of yin energies! And how resting and reflecting make a happier more focused life and work. My dream rest day is to go for a walk in nature or to do my garden, and then do some cooking for my kids. Also a day in bed occasionally, I need it.
Wellbeing is...?
Actually quite a big practice .. maintaining wellbeing, and loving yourself. It’s an investment, and one I can’t do without. It's pushing and resting the mind, spirit and body, It brings resilience and happiness, everything is more chill; more patience and curiosity.
With a year interrupted by lockdowns, what does moving at home look like for you?
Going for big walks and bike rides with the kids. I've been getting into the trampoline a lot too.
How do you motivate yourself to get moving when you’re low energy?
I usually give in to it, and just rest. Any tips? Haha
What are your go to health and fitness tips?
Yoga, massage and swimming in the sea are such powerful therapies! So impactful for mental and physical health. I miss it so much.
What’s your advice to someone brand new to fitness/ yoga who wants to get started?
I down want to sound like I’m trying to convert new followers to a yoga cult lol but it will change your life in ways you could never imagine. Yoga is quite metaphorical for everyday life, and I have enjoyed discovering this aspect. Yoga is a practice. You just start in your own way and go along, learning all the time, getting a little bit better each time. Do it as much as you can or want and progress that way. I have found that I naturally apply this to other things in life... such as managing uncomfortable emotions, being more tidy and disciplined or believing in myself, also computer skills ha. These are all challenges for self-improvement but if you simply practise when you can you make progress little by little (or a lot!) So nice.
What’s your favourite post movement snack/ meal?
Nothing, I like fasting in the morning.
How can we find a healthy balance between nourishing both our physical bodies and our minds when working out?
Working out and moving is naturally nourishing I reckon for the mind. I resolve tricky decisions and have some of my best creative ideas while I’m running, swimming, doing yoga or going out dancing. Just giving the mind a break ae, being present in your body is the best!
What’s your star sign? Are you typical of your sign?
Libra. I think so… I love beauty and luxury, haha and I take a balanced approach to life.
What’s your go to skincare routine?
A nice rich moisturiser in the morning. Apple Cider vinegar (drunk with homemade kombucha in the mornings) and these days, red light therapy too.
What’s a hangover cure you swear by?
What’s the secret to a happy life?
What’s your favourite yoga pose/ exercise?
O man, Savasana at the end
If you could give your 20 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Get on board with yourself (still my advice at 43 haha)