Meet Grace Bader | Sala Studio, Auckland, NZ
You may already have a picture of Grace's artwork on your camera roll. When she’s not painting, you'll find her in her favourite spot of the SALA studio.
Sep 24, 2021
Chances are you already have a picture of her artwork on your camera roll. When she’s not painting, you’ll find her in her favourite spot (back left corner) of the SALA studio with a determined glint in her eye. Please meet Grace Bader; artist, yogi and friend.

Hey, who are you? What do you do and where do you live?
Kia Ora, my names Grace. I’m an Artist, an Art Director, a step mom and lover.
How did you hear about SALA? How long have you been coming, and what’s your favourite thing about the SALA community?
SALA’s owners are some of my dearest friends, we fell for each other over a shared love of art, philosophy, London and more. I’ve been coming along since it started and don’t plan to ever leave. The shared respect everyone has for each other at SALA makes our community pretty special.
What is special about group fitness? Do you come with friends?
I’m an early riser and like to come alone, fill up my cup and create space for the day ahead. Many of the students and teachers are close friends and I enjoy our gentle morning smiles to each other.
Why and how did movement become such a big part of your life?
Movement, creativity and expression have been with me since day dot. I danced ballet for a very long time and always had something to draw with in my hand.. although you’ll see me with my head thrown back laughing, dancing til midnight and surrounded by my beautiful friend's movement takes me to a place of introspection which is an essential part of my being.
What’s your go to movement to elevate your mood?
Walking always helps.
What are your pre class rituals?
I wake at 5, wash my face with warm water and make myself a filtered coffee then enjoy the silence.
What other practices do you live by that support your mindset and mood?
I take a record of my daily gratitude, drink too much red wine, sit down as a family for dinner and always spend time at my studio.

Wellbeing is…?
An essential ingredient of life, mental and physical.
With a year interrupted by lockdowns, what does moving at home look like for you?
I’m teaching my stepson to ride his bike, long walks alone and do yoga.
How do you motivate yourself to get moving when you’re low energy?
I’m fairly disciplined and know there is no better thing to lift the mood.
Does the movement you practice at home differ from the types you do in the studio?
Absolutely, I've learned to accept this as an effect of the world we know changing too.
What are your go to health and fitness tips?
Always put your mind first and learn how to breathe with your whole body.
What’s your advice to someone brand new to fitness/ yoga who wants to get started?
Your ability is only important to you, turning up is enough.
And you’re always welcome next to me.
What’s your favourite post movement snack/ meal?
Long black and a smoothie, please.

How can we find a healthy balance between nourishing both our physical bodies and our minds when working out?
I believe it’s important here to understand what you’re doing this for. What is the intention you’ve created… Balance is harder than we think, it takes reflection, adjustment and kindness.
What’s your star sign? Are you typical of your sign?
Taurus sun, Pisces rising, Aries moon. I’m a passionate loyal witch.
What’s your go to skincare routine?
Keeping it the same, quality products and not too much.
What’s a hangover cure you swear by?
A quick splash in a pool or the ocean
What’s the secret to a happy life?
You're in charge, you can choose.
What’s your favourite yoga pose/ exercise?
Supta Kurmasana
If you could give your 20 year old self one piece of advice, what would it be?
Everyone needs a shrink and enjoy yourself, you're exactly where you need to be.